I do not approach a piece of work with a fixed narrative in mind. I would like people to view my work in the same way as they may listen to a piece of instrumental music; using the right hand side of the brain, rather than the left. For this reason, my paintings are kept free from complicated visual stimuli; normally fairly large in size, with single, solitary figures, that are hue and tone mediated. This also enables the work to be viewed as an immediate whole, rather than as a collection of interlinked parts.

Each painting is an individual piece and has no relation to any of my other paintings. I try to keep textual explanations away from my work, as I believe this creates a ceiling and limits the meaning of the work for the viewer; non of my work is titled.

Working with the human figure allows for infinite expression. At present I am not trying to portray the subject in relation to the world, but as a solitary form in space. Using a blank, vacuum-like background emphasises our distance from the subject and their distance from us.

Peter Michael

Portrait Peter Michael

born in 1972 in Birkenhead, UK
lives and works in London East, UK

University of East London
BA Honours, Fine Art
Bottega Del Buonfresco
Florence, Italy
Slade School of Fine Art
University College London
Central St. Martin College of Art & Design, London

Exhibitions, Publications, Awards

2009 Blackall Studios, London Group exhibition REPRESENT
2009 Sesame Gallery, London Solo exhibition METROPOLIS with Holly Thoburn
2009 Affordable Art Fair (AAF), London Art Fair; stand Sesame Gallery
2008 Sesame Gallery, London Group exhibition REGROUP
2008 The House of Tate Online Art Magazine Featured Artist; Issue 9
2008 Leslie's Artgallery, Bridel, Luxembourg Solo exhibition
2007 Gallery CAG à Laren, Pay Bas Group exhibition
2007 School of Architecture & Visual Arts (AVA) London Group exhibition (summer exhibition)
2007 SESAME Gallery, Islington, London, UK Group exhibition, Behind the Mask
2006 The Great Art Fair, Alexandra Palace, London, UK Group exhibition
2006 School of Architecture & Visual Arts (AVA) London Group exhibition (summer exhibition)
2006 UEL & Byam Shaw School of Art, London, UK Group exhibition
2005 Trinity Buoy Wharf, London, UK Group exhibition; Open Studio
2005 School of Architecture & Visual Arts (AVA) London Group exhibition (summer exhibition)
2005 Trinity Buoy Wharf, London, UK Group exhibition; Chainstore Project